
1000 English Words 1000个英语单词 /Usborne




Format: Hardcover
Author/Editor: Jane Bingham
Illustrator: Rachael Saunders
Age: 3+
Language: English
ISBN: 9781474986823


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This engaging and delightfully illustrated word book helps children boost their vocabulary and develop their speaking skills. A thousand really useful everyday words, carefully matched with detailed and amusing pictures, provide lots to spot and talk about. There are also QR codes to scan so you can listen to all the words read by a British English speaker.

这是一本专为初学英语的儿童准备的单词手册,图文并茂,色彩丰富的场景生动有趣,单词按不同的主题集中展现,可加深孩子对单词的记忆;书后还为孩子贴心附上了由 A 到 Z 的单词表,书中出现的1000个单词都集中在这里了,小朋友要找某个单词时可以先来这里找一找,然后根据对应页码找到相应页面喔!

